Monday 17 December 2012

Life in HBP

Semester 1??

There are lots of things that I want to write. I've experience so many things during those 3 months.
However I only have to write in 100 words.

But its okay :)

Okay, first of all I want to thank Allah for giving me opportunity to continue my study in USM. 

I've learn so many things when I'm entering USM. 

I've learn how to survive without my parents.
 Learn to manage myself when I'm in pain
I think you guys don't know that I have serious migrain and only He know how I'm suffering.
I've learn how to live without true friends
I've learn how to handle my stress.

Life in HBP is really tough. I don't expect it will be like this.
Sleep at 4a.m. Wake up at 6a.m.
The craziest thing that I ever do in my life!

I almost gave up. Especially, when I have group project. I really need to be prepared physically and mentally!

But, Alhamdulillah until now I'm HBP-ian. I hope I will stay in HBP until I finished my degree.
In shaa Allah.

Prayforme =)


                                                              I just do a simple sketches.

Those sketches I did at the early of this semester.


Errrrrrr. I don't have time to do it. HAHA.

I did this when I was on my way to Sepang.

Captain Jack Sparrow 

Beginner. Look so messy =_=

But at least I've tried :)

Sunday 16 December 2012



I've been waiting so so soooo long! Seriously.
Can't wait to see my friend's work actually.

Okay, we from Group 5 & Group 9 are responsible to decorate the area for Project 8 & 9!

Project 9??? Omaigoshhh. 
Why I've got to decorate the section of Project 9?????

But, what can I do. Past is past. Think forward Ekyn!

You know what. I really had a good time during the day of decoration. Weeeeeee!

This is what I want. Team work. Almost all of the group members participate in this project.


ITS MINE!!! :)


Mine again. Jyeahhhhh!

Hilmi and me :)

I will totally miss this moment :'(

Integrated Project

Lets proceed to Project 9


Nothing much I would like to write here. To be honest, this is the worst project I ever had
 in Semester 1.

There is a lot of things happen during those 3 weeks.
Conflicts. Stress. Misunderstand. Dissatisfaction. Lack of team work.

I almost gave up. I didn't do well and as a leader, I've failed to give the best for my group.

My group members with Dr. Azree

Initial sketches before the shape of the roof have been changed

Front Elevation

Rear Elevation


Under construction

Under construction

Under construction

End construction

End product

End product

And to Dr. Azree, sorry for what I've wrote in my Facebook last time. I didn't meant to hurt you or other lecturers.

But the word "failed", we will never forget it.  =(

Batu Feringghi

Trip to Batu Feringghi

Actually this trip is for our Project 8- (Re)Visited
We need to do site analysis again.

For this project, our group have been seperated. I'm no longer in Group 2. 
Goodbye Ar. Haris =(

Now I'm in group 9 which my studiomaster is Dr. Ruhizal
In group 9, there are 17 students from different courses ; Architecture, Interior Design, Town Planning,
Building Technology, Building Surveying, Quantity Surveying and Construction Management.

Studio with my lovely Rosmina and Suren :)

End product =_=

I think my new group is very special compare to the other group.


Because we have 3 international students (2 from China and 1 from Somaliland), 3Indian, 3 Chinese and 8 Malay

1Malaysia. HAHA

Fad, Ahmed and me =)

Ha mim and me

Nadia and me

Rosmina, Fad, Nadia 

I wish I could be there again <3

Saturday 15 December 2012


Project 7. This is the first group project.
Comment? Hmm, not too happy. Ngee~

My group members are Gary, Ayie, Che, Farid and Amy. We are all from Group 2 Architecture. 
Our studio master is still the same, Ar. Haris :)

Actually, this is two weeks project. We were asked to do an analysed of site plan and also a skyway bridge.

The first week I didn't go to studio because I went back to Sepang for a week. I had an appointment with my doctor at Sime Darby Medical Centre. Doctor asked me to do MRI Brain scan since I've got severe headache lately. From day to day it getting worst =(

Okay, just forget about my health problem.

In this group, some of our members had a conflict. So, its a little bit affect our mood and performance. 

But, Alhamdulillah we can produce a very very very good model. Big thanks to Ayie for designing it.

Gary and Che

Analysed site plan


Ayie the big boss. HAHA

Here I want to show you the design from the other groups.

One word