Saturday 15 December 2012


Burrppppppp. Blueprint? 
Huh, what is blueprint actually? Okay, it is a reproduction of technical drawing.
* Google Search

Ar. Haris need us to do sides elevation, rear elevation, front elevation and also axonometric drawing.

And I was like... argghhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! 
Its quite difficult for me to draw the axonometric for my sculpture.
If I know this earlier, I will make the shape of my sculpture in rectangle or square shape.
So, its easier for me to do the blueprint.

But, its too late =(

Actually, I'm quite lucky compare to the other students who already did their sculpture with "weird" shape.
They will definitely have a trouble. HAHAHA

Again and again and againnnn

I forgot to take a picture of my final product. Huarghhhhhhhh =(

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