Saturday 15 December 2012


Stresss, stresss and stresssssss!

Sculpture pulak dah. Sangat-sangat tiada idea. Zero!!
Puas Google sana Google sini. Tapi tak datang-datang jugak idea tu. Haihh!
Nak buat sculpture yang perlu dikaitkan dengan sustainability. Whoaaaa. Menguji minda betul.

Finally, setelah dua kali mimpi baru dapat ilham. Terasa nak buat recycle bin konon 

And here I'll show you how it looks like.

Under construction

Final product

And, guess what

My sculpture have been listed as the "best" sculpture. Yeahhh, finally!!

Rasa nak tergelak pun ada. HAHA. 
Anyway, thanks to my lecturers for making my dreams came true. Whoaaa =)

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